Monday, May 14, 2012

Online Dating

Where do I begin? Folks, there are some strange people in the world, and a lot of them like to join dating websites. Those commercials on TV showing "real dates" are lies I tell you. Matter of fact, a good friend of mine saw her actor friend featured on one. She congratulated him on the gig. The personality and social disorders I have encountered make me so glad there is a block feature on these sites. I will share some of the offenses:

1. Got an email asking if I liked anal sex. I am not playing. After I picked my jaw up, I quickly deleted and blocked this "man."

2. Got an email from a man that said he wanted to kiss the corns on my feet. I am happy to report I am corn free and have no desire for anyone to kiss my feet.

3. All the emails with sexual innuendos are so off pudding and not attractive. DO BETTER! Try, "How is your day?"

4. Got an email from a guy that lived with his "baby mama." He proceeded to tell me about their arrangement. Ummm, no thank you!

5. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, if you are separated you are STILL MARRIED! Move around and wait for the ink to dry.

6. Here's a classic: Do you like well endowed white men? Well Mr. Creepy I found that email inappropriate. This man proceeded to hound me via email and inquire why I wasn't responding. Soooo, I let 'em have it and went off. He brought it on himself.

7. Pictures with gold teeth, red cups, and white t-shirts. Enough said.

8. Bad Grammar! Since your first impression is an email, please take time to re-read before sending. I feel like I am grading a paper sometimes when I am reading these emails. Had to have a friend translate one time. I was getting a headache.

The stats are lies. Yes, there are some cases where two sane people found each other online. Do not believe the hype of commercials. It is a true weed out process. Kind of like playing the lottery, lol. If nothing else, it is a source of entertainment and blog material.

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