Wednesday, May 8, 2013


So I decided to give the site "Plenty of Fish" another try.  I exchanged numbers with one guy, and we scheduled a meet and greet.  We met in the bar area of a local eatery, and things were nice enough.  We watched one of the play off games and had small talk.  Afterwards, he walked me to my car and I proceeded to my home.

When I got home, he gave me a phone call.  I thought it was his way of making sure I made it home safely.  He then asked me, "Had I invited you over to my place, would you have come?"  I tell him, "I would have respectfully declined."  He then asked, "Had I kissed you in the parking lot, would you have been mad?"  I tell him, "I would not have been mad, but it would have caught me off guard considering this was a meet and greet."  We chat for a few more minutes and then hang up.

For the next couple of days, we exchange texts.  He made sure to let me know he doesn't do phone calls.  Either face to face conversations or texts.  One day in particular, he sends me a text asking me to come over to his place to watch the game.  Mind you I don't know his last name.  I tell him I do not want to go to his place.  Instead, I suggest we meet at a sports bar.  He starts complaining telling me to come over, I should take a chance, I should trust him, etc.  I stand my ground and tell him no.  After that, I didn't hear from him.  I am so happy I didn't go over.  I have a feeling he would have tried to make a move.

Fast forward two weeks later.  I am at the gym and see him.  This is not the norm since he does not live near me.  I think he showed up on purpose.  While I'm on the elliptical, he is blowing up my phone.  I don't answer.  He eventually walks over to me. I roll my eyes and keep listening to my ipod.  Later that evening he calls again and sends texts.  The next day I answered his "So you done with me" text: My response: Yes, I am done.  You went ghost when I declined your invitation.  There is nothing to talk about.

I am not some naive booty call in the  making and will not entertain tom-foolery!

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