Sunday, November 29, 2015

And Why Would I Do This?

Met up with this guy from a dating site.  On paper he appeared to have it together so I was comfortable enough to meet up for dinner.  The dinner went well and we had some follow up phone calls. After about a week, I didn't hear from him.

A few weeks go by and he sends me a text.  He asked what I was doing and I told him I was prepping for a presentation before hitting the road.  I had to present the next morning in a city 2 hours away.  It was already past 9 pm and I was pushing it leaving so late.

Ole boy started insisting I stop by his house first.  I reminded him I was driving, not flying to my destination and had an early morning.  I swear he sent a dissertation on why I should stop by his home. If he could have seen my facial expressions during that moment, he would know the level of disdain that instantly formed.

First off we only went out once.  It was pleasant enough, not magical.  Second, he disappeared for a few weeks.  Third, he is essentially a stranger……I am not going to your home.  Clearly, he needs help in managing his expectations.  There was no way I was going to get on the road super late just to see him.  Plus anyone that doesn't have my well being in mind is not for me.

Do you think he offered to chat on the phone while I drove or even checked to see if I made it to my hotel……hell nah.  Now let's fast forward 6 months later.  I get a text asking, "How am I?"  I had long deleted his number.  It took him about 5 minutes to remind me who he was.  I told him, "You must be bored and scrolling through your phone."  He tried to assure me that was not the case.  I respectfully told him I was no longer interested and wished him the best.

A couple of days later I had dinner with some girlfriends and told them about the exchange.  One friend chimed in and asked if his name was "xyz."  Turns out he hit her up with the same messages on the same day….lol.  ***We both are on dating sites***

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