Thursday, February 16, 2012

Driving In Houston

I wrote this after a interesting drive to work back in 2006.

Sent: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 9:36 AM
Subject: Driving in Houston

Have you ever just looked at cars when you are driving? This morning I saw just how creative people get with their vehicles. Again this all happened this Wednesday morning.

Car 1: The rear view window is missing. So what does this person do? Get some heavy foil (not the household kind, but that heavy stuff restaurants use to store food) and line the area. But ooops, how will he see? He cut a circle in the middle. Now he has fresh air and visibility everyday. This is my 3rd time seeing this truck on my way to work. I just don't think he'll get it fixed anytime soon.

Car 2: This car utilized the almighty duct tape. What's the point in duct taping your side mirror if it hangs so low you can't see out of it? Is it there for sentimental reasons? All that money invested in rolls of duct tape (re-taping) could have been used to get the mirror fixed.

Car 3: If you decide to purchase an SUV, you need to make sure you can afford the vehicle. That means gas, insurance, maintenance and oh yeah a back door/trunk. Who knows what happened to the back door/trunk of this SUV, but it was gone. Mind you it was flying down 59. To help protect the kids in the back seat, this person took the time to apply heavy plastic and duct tape to the area. I tell you that darn duct tape is the bomb. Who needs an air bag and metal when you have plastic and duct tape to protect you.

Car 4: This man is in an old Saturn just cruising like it is a Sunday afternoon. His windows are down and he is singing to music. He is going about 55 mph. I did fail to mention he was in the far left lane of a 5 lane freeway at 7:30 am this Wednesday morning. There are four slow lanes to your right and you choose the far dummy. So many people cut him off and had road rage honking at him. It was pretty fun because he could have cared less. He was just a singing.

Car 5: "Why are you on my bumper you SIMPLE B*^CH!," was all I was thinking. I'm going a good 80. If you feel the need to go 90...I'mma need you to move around ---->. The Camry and I are going to be together till the wheels fall off. That includes my back bumper. We all know traffic can come to an abrupt stop in Houston and that's how accidents happen. For those that know me, you know my nickname is "Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events," when dealing with cars. You all remember Sputter went through hell....poor thing. The strangest Sputter incident occurred when lawn furniture tumbled off a pick up and slammed into my car just messing up my poor hood. Cars swirling everywhere and I'm stuck in the middle taking most of the impact. The insurance adjuster had the nerve to ask, "Did I get the truck's license plate number and did they stop?" Gee let me and no to both questions. I was just happy not to crash.

Folks, this is all for now. I just felt the need to have a "sharing moment." Have a good day and I'll see you when I see ya!

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